Monday, October 20, 2008

Journal Entry 7

  • George Orwell says that the English language is in a decline. One point that he says his that people are not producing meaningful sentences but merely hollow statements by stringing words togethor which do not relate to the original point that which they started on. Writers are trying to make themselves seem more intellectual by using larger words which could simply be expressed by using smaller words with the same meaning. This just makes it harder to read and less appealing for the reader.

  • In todays society I think that the way english is written is far worse than when Mr. Orwell was complaining about then. With instant communication such as hand helds, computers, and mobile phones people are able to talk to one an another faster then they would have 40 years ago. The time it took for a letter to reach one person to the other would be quite a while so whatever the person had to say was put in more detail and clearly so the other person to understand. This instant communication now relies on sending messages as fast as possible soo the language is shortened to speed things up. Words are over simlified in this way and this can also reflect in a persons writing.
  • I think that Orwell's rules are quite effecient in structured writing such as essays and informational documents such as news articles, text book information and so on. This rule though only applies to these situations. In the instance of writing a novel, whatever the genre maybe, using long winded sentences could be used to capticate the readers mind and give vivid descriptioon of something which could be told very simply.

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